
The Passenger

A man haunted by his grief finds healing in the form of a spiritual motorcycle journey.

Novelty Hat helped produce this sprawling, spiritual ode to 70s road movies during the darkest days of the pandemic.

Director Jeff Elstone was able to inspire a motley crew from around the country to fly out to Oregon during the darkest days of the pandemic and hit the road for 10 straight days - letting nature guide everyone toward healing, much like the film’s central character.

“The Passenger” will be screening at festivals and events worldwide in 2023 and 2024.

Presented by Langlitz Leathers and Harley-Davidson
Production Companies: Psychogenic Films, Novelty Hat
Starring Gentry Dayton, Wil Thomas, Stephanie Sasso
Produced by Brian Awitan & Beth Miller
Producers: Michael Barnett, Gentry Dayton, Jeff Elstone
Written and Directed by Jeff Elstone